International Certification

Certified Counter Terrorism Practitioner (CCTP)

Enhance your counter terrorism proficiency and career advancement by becoming a Certified Counter Terrorism Practitioner

Certified by
Counter Terrorism Certification Board

Course description

The CCTP certification provides demonstrable proof of knowledge, skill and experience in key areas for the purposes of mitigating the threat of terrorism, and by providing proactive measures to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and property to terrorist acts.

Intended audience

  • Law enforcement, military and security professionals
  • Corporate security professionals
  • Risk and security consultants
  • Public transportation security professionals
  • Law enforcement officers and counter terrorism units
  • Military officers from intelligence units, counter terrorism units and military police
  • Private security companies who deal with asset and VIP protection

Training curriculum


Terrorism fundamentals

1. Understand and assess the threat of terrorism

Defining terrorism, understanding terrorist objectives, strategies, and ideologies, exploring the causes of terrorism, examining motivating factors for terrorists, observing terrorist trends, identifying different types of terrorism.

2. Assess the threat posed by various terrorist organisations

Analysing terrorist organisation operations and tactics, understanding terrorist organisation financing, studying terrorist organisation operational structure, exploring technology utilisation in terrorism, examining recruitment strategies, investigating radicalisation processes, focusing on lone actor terrorism, and profiling terrorists.


Terrorism threat identification

1. Identify potential terrorist targets and assess their vulnerabilties

Examining the attack planning cycle, selecting targets, differentiating between soft and hard targets, and understanding terrorist tactics.

2. Detection and responding to hostile surveillance and pre-attack indicators

Studying surveillance and surveillance detection, exploring hostile surveillance methods, and identifying physical signs of suspicious activity.

3. Recognition and detection of terrorist methodologies

Exploring terrorism modus operandi, recognising and detecting weapons, dangerous substances, and devices, and identifying characteristics and behavioural patterns of persons likely to threaten security.


Prevention and mitigation of the threat

1. Prepare and plan a physical security program in accordance to the threats and risks

Understanding security concepts, engaging in security planning, and implementing security by design.

2. Understand and assess security measures to counter the terrorist threat

Utilising physical means, implementing security technologies, assessing intelligence and threat indicators, considering the human factor, ensuring personnel security, and managing security processes.

3. Leveraging intelligence

Conducting risk assessments, understanding intelligence fundamentals and components, learning intelligence gathering methods and resources, and deploying security in accordance with intelligence information.


Preparedness and response to terrorist act

1. Response to terror incident

Developing an emergency response plan, including detailed emergency procedures, and tailoring emergency response to various threats such as armed assault, improvised explosive device, and ramming attack.

Eligibility criteria

Candidates should read the following eligibility criteria carefully. You will need to submit an application and be approved by the certifying body before you are eligible to enrol on this course.

Academic and Experience

You are required to have either one of the following:

  1. A minimum university degree and at least 2 years’ experience in the security, law enforcement or military field, OR
  2. Relevant experience in the field of security, law enforcement or military with at least 5 years in executive or management role and/or responsibility if you do not have a relevant degree.


You must not have a criminal record and are required to declare this status during the application process.

Professional References

You are required to submit 2 professional references who have personal knowledge of and can validate your security experience, character and good standing.
